The Benefits Of Line Drying Your Laundry

Hanging your laundry on the line might seem like a waste of time...however, you may change your mind after you see (and smell!) the benefits.

Line Drying Your Laundry Outside

🌿 Using a dryer costs approximately $.50/per load, while drying on the line is free.

🌿 You can soak up the sunshine (yeah, Vitamin D!) and breathe the fresh air.

🌿 The sunshine can remove stains and brighten whites.

🌿 If you do have a stain that did not come out while washing, unlike using a dryer, the sun will not set a stain.

🌿 Wrinkles will easily be removed especially on windy days.

🌿 Clothing that is dried outdoors lasts longer than those placed in a dryer.

🌿 Your clothing will not shrink when it is dried on the line.

🌿 Line drying encourages your children to enjoy the outdoors while you hang the laundry. My children love to run and hide in the bedsheets.

🌿 There is no scent that is better than the smell of line dried clothing and bedsheets. Your house will smell amazing and when you climb into bed for the night, the extra time you spent hanging your laundry out will have been more than worth it.