Ivy & Twig ~ A Farm Life

The Benefits Of Line Drying Your Laundry

The Benefits Of Line Drying Your Laundry

Hanging your laundry on the line might seem like a waste of time...however, you may change your mind after you see (and smell!) the benefits. 🌿 ...
Simple Fruit & Veggie Juice Recipe

Simple Fruit & Veggie Juice Recipe

Keeping up with juicing is sometimes more of a time commitment than we can handle. During the winter months I like to keep the juices simple, since we like to try to eat fruits and vegetables that are in season.  
Baking Soda Uses For First Aid

Baking Soda Uses For First Aid

One of the items that I always keep in my natural first-aid kit is a vial of baking soda.  It can be used for a number of different issues and is ...
8 Health Benefits of Gardening at Home

8 Health Benefits of Gardening at Home

I grew up eating garden-fresh foods. Our summer meals on the farm varied week by week, depending on what was ripe. Some nights we’d eat entire meals of buttered sweet corn, juicy watermelon, and raw peas fresh out of the shell. It wasn’t glamorous, but it was delicious.

Benefits of Violet Leaves for Health

Benefits of Violet Leaves for Health

The heart shaped violet leaves are another ally to have in your herbal medicine cabinet. Fresh violet leaves are high in salicylic acid and are very nourishing to the nerves, lungs, immune system and especially the reproductive system.
How Dirt Makes You Happy and Healthy

How Dirt Makes You Happy and Healthy

With gardening season finally here, it is important to get your kids involved so they not only learn about where food actually comes from, but also so they can get those little fingers and hands dirty! 
Copper Deficiency

Copper Deficiency

One of the many symptoms you may notice if you have a copper deficiency is grey hair. Copper is an essential trace mineral and is found in all body tissues. It also helps the body form collagen and too much or too little of copper can affect how the brain works.
Raw Honey For Wounds

Raw Honey For Wounds

Honey has been used as a healing agent since ancient times.  Greek philosopher Aristotle mentioned honey as being a “good salve for sore eyes and wounds”. Mighty Salve is filled with the healing power of honey and is a must-have for your first-aid kit and medicine cabinet!